Important Spring sale
Last day of consignments 24. May
For GWPA 2022 was a successful year, and a number of auction records were set. We are preparing for spring’s main auction “Important Spring sale”, focusing on artists who are currently in demand.
At “Important Spring sale” we assembly selected works by in-demand artists from the early 19th century to present day. These works have a lower assessment limit of NOK. 50,000, but mostly higher. This indicates a high level of quality, and means that the submitted works are presented in the best possible context. A comprehensive marketing plan is drawn up both for individual works and for the entire auction. “Important Spring sale” may be the best occasion for the sale of high-quality art in the spring of 2023.
Based on our experience, early submission is an advantage, thus it gives us the opportunity to tailor the documentation and marketing work we believe the work deserves. If you are considering selling valuable art this season, please contact us as soon as possible for advice and a non-binding valuation.